Thursday, September 12, 2013

Spaghetti Marshmallow Design Brief

                         Spaghetti Marshmallow Design Brief
In this project we had to design a blueprint of a tower. Our goal was to make the tallest tower compared to the rest of our classmates'. The requirements that we had to follow were: making it tall, it can resist someone blowing on it and shaking it. This seemed easy to me. I first researched on some designs recommended to stand firmly and it was the triangle shape. Therefore, my teammates and I began to brainstorm ideas of towers with the base of a triangle. We finally agreed on one final design which looks like the one in the picture above. Was it a success like the one above as well? No it was not. We concluded that we were putting to much weight to the bottom so it was falling down. After our first attempt, we started back to step one which was to figure out what other design would be a lot more successful. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Imaging Reflection.

Imaging is the Invention I researched on. It is multiple inventions that has helped us see even the smallest things on Earth a lot more bigger. An example is the microscope. With a microscope, we can put a human cell and see all the amazing things inside and outside of it. Also, imaging can be X-rays because it is also a picture take of something we alone could never see with our own eyes.
I believe that the most involved inventions of Imaging were for health, for example, the X-rays which I wrote about and the CAT scan. The CAT scan helps doctor's see patients body or brain. It was mainly created for the brain and spine disorders.
In a few years they might create an even better camera pixel receiver to be able to catch anything way smaller than anything we've even tried to discover.